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เครื่องกำเนิดไนโตเจนเหลว    (LN480B - Intelligent LN2 Generators ) ยี่ห้อ Noblegen รุ่น LN480B (SIT417)
หมวดหมู่สินค้า: Liquid Nitrogen Generators
With BOOST Technology ‘LN480B’ is the latest ‘water cooled’ Liquid Nitrogen Generator from Noblegen Products.
*ราคาอาจมีการเปลี่ยนแปลงตามอัตราแลกเปลี่ยน โปรดสอบถาม Line : @siamintercorp


04 มิถุนายน 2567

ผู้ชม 639 ผู้ชม

Utilising the reliable and efficient PSA technique of separa The liquid nitrogen is stored within a suitable sized vacuum insulated tank and the product can be dispensed using a 1.5 metre vacuum insulated hose provided. Other options of dispense methods are available on request. ting Nitrogen and Oxygen is used to produce high quality Nitrogen Gas which is then liquefied using our powerful cooling system.


  • Water cooled to ambient temperatures up to +52°c
  • Nitrogen produced using our own PSA nitrogen generator.
  • LN2 at 99% purity.
  • Nitrogen injection system for pre-cooling of gas prior toliqueficiation.
  • Pressure Boost system increasing production
  • No Loss pressure system
  • 1,000 Litre LN2 storage dewar
  • All cryogenic parts are vacuuminsulated.
  • Colour touch screen control.
  • Small footprint.
  • Low noise.


  • Internet connectivity
  • SMS text messaging
  • Air compressor system
  • Closed loop water chiller
  • Foot pedal dispensing
  • Nitrogen gas outlet

The Noblegen Cryogenics LN480B liquid nitrogen generator is your reliable and efficient on-site plug and produce cryogenic solution. With a small footprint, low power consumption and low cooling water requirement makes the LN480B one of the best solutions available on the market. With cooling water or chiller supplied the system can operate up to +52°c ambient temperatures making it suitable to operate in most parts of the World. Simply connect the power, cooling water and compressed air (integrated air compressor available as an option) and press start for the machine to automatically produce liquid nitrogen when needed. An intelligent level sensor system means you can select the liquid level stop and start using the touch screen controller so you always have enough LN2.

 The Pressure ‘BOOST’ system increases liquid nitrogen production with no additional power or cooling water required, coupled with the ‘No Loss’ pressure maintaining system making it the most efficient and intelligent GM based technology generator available.


 Product Brochure

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